Funding Trends and Their Impact on Operations
Summary update of the 2008 Programme of Work and funding
As of the end of September 2008, the World Food Programme still needs to raise nearly US$2 billion in order to meet beneficiary requirements for the year (as well as prepositioning needs for 2009). Compared to last month, the total number of beneficiaries assisted by WFP has grown by almost one million, exceeding 90 million for the first time in the year, while total requirements are growing towards US$6 billion.
The month of September has been marked by a number of natural disasters, which have afflicted Haiti and Cuba in the Latin American and Caribbean Region. Since 15 August, the region has been successively battered by Tropical Storms Fay and Hanna and Hurricanes Gustav and Ike, which affected more than 3 million people and damaged 600,000 houses. The United Nations launched an appeal for US$107 million for Haiti, where WFP is among the leading agencies dealing with the emergency, managing food assistance, logistics and telecommunications.
To cope with the emergency, WFP launched an EMOP and a special operation. The EMOP was conceived to address the short-term acute food-aid requirements of the most affected populations in order to ensure that the situation in the country does not further deteriorate due to insufficient food availability. The SO allowed WFP to augment its logistical capacity in order to ensure that humanitarian aid reached those most in need, in a coordinated, predictable, timely and efficient manner.
Meanwhile, the situation remains more and more critical in the Horn of Africa, where more than 17 million people are requiring humanitarian assistance and WFP is struggling to prevent a serious pipeline shortfall for the next months that could jeopardize its ability to assist the most vulnerable.
Further to WFP's August appeal for US$606 million to respond to the humanitarian crisis in the Horn of Africa, recent assessments confirm dramatic increases in needs. WFP's programmes in the Horn of Africa so far received US$246 million against the appeal and we thank our donors for their generosity. However, additional and more flexible funding is urgently needed to avoid further ration cuts for those who can least afford them.
In 2008, WFP has obtained unprecedented donor support to cover the critical needs. As of 25 September, WFP has received a total of US$4 billion - including contributions in response to the Horn of Africa appeal and the March appeal to cover the higher costs of food and fuel. The top ten d